Your Balnarring Chiropractor

Our Balnarring Chiropractors and our reception staff at Balnarring Chiropractic are here to help you experience less pain & more life.

We aim to promote optimal health and wellness for all ages through chiropractic care.

Our focus is on the relationship between the spine and the nervous system to allow the body to function at its fullest potential.

The team at Balnarring Chiropractic strive to offer a patient centred, results focused and evidence based approach to help everyone reach their health goals.

our team

Our experienced team of chiropractors and friendly staff means you’re in good hands at Balnarring Chiropractic.

Dr Georgia Vines





Our experienced and trusted chiropractors are be able to provide chiropractic care which may help with a range of conditions such as

The Balnarring Chiropractic Difference

We do not take a one size fits all approach.
Because you are an individual! 

Everybody’s structure is one of a kind. And your daily activities and stresses are not the same day to day.

That’s why we place great importance on performing a comprehensive initial examination and assessing your spine at each appointment, not just the first time we meet you.

Come and see one of our experienced chiropractors to function at your fullest potential!

make a booking

Our Location & Details

Phone:  (03) 5931 3300
Address: 23/3050 Frankston-Flinders Road, Balnarring 3926


How many adjustments will I need?

This varies from person to person. Each patient is individually assessed and a tailored management plan is presented depending on your diagnosis and health goals. Some patients require an initial phase of care over a prescribed amount of weeks, followed by our rehabilitation care and exercise program and then maintenance care, whereas others may only require a short course of chiropractic adjustments.

What if neck adjustments make me nervous?

We will do our best to ease your concerns about neck adjustments. We use many other techniques that do not involve the “cracking” noise. We do not include neck adjustments if there are any indications that you would be at risk. Please talk with us about your concerns.

Is chiropractic covered by Medicare?

You will have to speak with your medical doctor about Medicare’s Enhanced Primary Care (EPC) program to see if you are eligible. If you are, your doctor can refer you to us for a maximum of five chiropractic visits per year.

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All major health funds accepted

Please contact us if your health fund is not listed below