Arthritis is a condition that can affect different joints within the body, causing pain and stiffness. The two most common types of arthritis are rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.
Rheumatoid arthritis is a result of swelling and fluid within the joints. This form of arthritis most commonly affects smaller joints within the body such as the hands, wrists and feet. It can however also commonly affect larger joints such as the hips and knees. Chiropractic care can be of benefit to those who experience rheumatoid arthritis by addressing structural shifts in the body; which may be further exacerbating the degree of inflammation and pain at a joint.
Osteoarthritis results from ‘wear and tear’ of a whole joint. This form of arthritis affects not only the cartilage, ligaments and muscles, but also the adjacent bone. Osteoarthritis is a common condition that affects the spine resulting in pain and discomfort. Osteoarthritis of the vertebral column (spine) is also known as degenerative joint disease. This condition arises when the spaces between the joints decrease as a response to increased weight-bearing and stress. With the progressive reduction in joint space, the surfaces of the bones start to rub against one another, causing discomfort, swelling and inflammation. The structural changes that result from osteoarthritis are best visualised with the use of an x-ray or MRI.
What are the symptoms of Osteoarthritis
A spine with degenerative changes of osteoarthritis has a greater predisposition to experiencing low back pain, neck pain, swelling, muscular hypertonicity and pain radiating through the arms and legs. The intervertebral discs in between your spinal bones will also become more fibrous and will reduce the ability to act as a shock absorber and in turn, impact movement.
Chiropractic and Arthritis
Our chiropractors at Sims & Finn Chiropractic are focused on neuro-structural correction of the spine. Improving the structure of the spine allows correct function, in addition to improving the movement of the joints, minimising pain and reducing the degree of stress on the spine.
Improvements were noted in overall flexibility and total pain in a group of Osteoarthritis sufferers following Chiropractic management. Hong, Y. (2011). Upper cervical manipulation combined with mobilisation for the treatment of atlantoaxial osteoarthritis: A report of 10 cases. Journal of Manipulative Physiological Therapeutics, 34(2); 131-137
Chiropractic care has been shown to improve mobility, flexibility, potentially reverse, stop or retard degenerative joint disease (arthritis) and lessen the predisposition to injury and disability. Brantingham, J. (1994). Spinal manipulation may help reduce spinal degenerative joint disease and disability. Dynamic Chiropractic, 12(7)
We are excited to have you as a patient at Sims & Finn Chiropractic
Our goal is to assess you thoroughly to determine if you have a structural shift in your spine causing secondary condition (symptoms).
We then explain and provide you with care options. We customise a plan of care for you, taking into consideration your age, health and lifestyle factors.
Once we have worked together to create the necessary health improvements, we will assist you in choices to maintain the corrections you have achieved.
All major health funds accepted
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