The importance of Zinc – 3 key reasons…

Zinc is an essential nutrient that we need but it isn’t naturally produced by our bodies or stored within in the body, so this means that we need our Zinc intake from outside sources such as food or supplements.

We must get enough Zinc for the following reasons:

1) It supports the immune system; by controlling and regulating the immune response and activates T-cells (immune soldiers) so they can attack infectious cells.

2) Zinc has the potential to reduce the spread of infection by stopping these cells binding to one another. Therefore, it is reducing the severity and duration of cold and flu symptoms as well as suppressing inflammation.
Zinc is commonly included in lozenges for the common cold as it sticks in the mouth and throat to allow the zinc to make contact with the infectious cells.

3) It supports healthy growth; for infants, children, adolescents and women who are pregnant or lactating. These are rapid growth periods therefore have a greater requirement of zinc. A deficiency during these phases can delay growth and development. It impacts healing wounds; Zinc boosts tissue growth in and around a wound bed via the production and remodelling of collagen. The risk of infection increases as the immune system functions sub-optimally.

Other benefits include:

-A reduction of hypertensive disorders of pregnancy
-Lower blood pressure and cholesterol
-Prevention of degenerative changes such as osteoporosis

The recommended daily intake for adults is 8mg for females and 11mg for males.

Oysters contain more Zinc per serving than any other food with 74mg!

Are you likely to develop a Zinc deficiency?

Those who avoid meat and seafood such as vegetarians are prone to deficiency therefore need to ensure their intake of Zinc through other sources such as nuts and whole grains.

Infants, children and adolescents are at greatest risk of deficiency due to the increased requirements for growth spurts and puberty.

The consequence of this deficiency can lead to impaired growth and development and skin problems as children grow older.

For babies who are exclusively breastfed, if Mum has adequate Zinc they obtain a sufficient amount for the first 5 to 6 months of life. As they grow and progress; they need to consume solids that contain absorbable Zinc.

Studies found that pregnant or lactating women who consumed Iron supplementation had a decreased absorption of Zinc therefore Iron should be incorporated into meals rather than an additional supplement.

It is common for the elderly to lack their dietary intake with their reduced consumption of Zinc-rich foods such as red meats as well as the
decreasing ability for their body to absorb zinc.

Delayed wound healing and degenerative changes such as osteoporosis could be associated with decreased Zinc absorption.

Fact: Those who are deprived of zinc have a higher absorption rate than those who have a high zinc intake as they experience a slower absorption.

The primary cause of deficiency is an inadequate intake whether that’s due to a low dietary intake or a heavy reliance on foods with little or poorly absorbable Zinc.

Malabsorption can also occur in people who suffer with diabetes, chronic liver disease or gastrointestinal disorders such as Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s as their bodies cannot absorb Zinc efficiently.

Chiropractic care may improve the function of the nervous system and as the nervous system controls every function in your body, it helps your body to work at its optimum. Supplements such as Metagenics Zinc and Vitamin C powder may assist with zinc deficiency and help defend against a common cold therefore accelerating the recovery process.

So what should I consider when buying a Zinc supplement?

The old adage holds up. Generally, ‘you get what you pay for’.

Cheaper vitamins that come in bulk, usually tend to have more filler components than their more expensive counterparts.

Similarly, vitamins which contain more absorbable forms of nutrients tend to reflect a higher pricing.

At Sims & Finn Chiropractic we stock a high quality Zinc supplement. We recommend our practice members use Metagenics Meta Zinc with Vitamin C; which is a practitioner only supplement.

If you have any questions regarding Zinc supplementation, please organise a time to speak with one of chiropractors by either calling (03) 9792 1945 or booking online via


  1. Roohani, N., Hurrell, R., Kelishadi, R., & Schulin, R. (2013). Zinc and its importance for human health: An integrative review. Journal of research in medical sciences : the official journal of Isfahan University of Medical Sciences18(2), 144–157.
  2. Human Vitamin and Mineral requirements, Chapter 16. Zinc; Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2002
  3. Zinc – Fact Sheet for Health Professionals; Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institutes of Health, June 2013.
  4. Micheletti, Alessandra, Ruggero Rossi, and Stefano Rufini. “Zinc status in athletes.” Sports medicine 31.8 (2001): 577-582.
  5. Foster, Meika, et al. “Effect of vegetarian diets on zinc status: a systematic review and meta‐analysis of studies in humans.” Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 93.10 (2013): 2362-2371.
  6. Anderson, Richard A., et al. “Potential antioxidant effects of zinc and chromium supplementation in people with type 2 diabetes mellitus.” Journal of the American College of Nutrition 20.3 (2001): 212-218.